Palmeiras’ Second Skin

This was my first work for Adidas, as a writer and creative director. There are so many stories I want to tell about the experience of launching the new jersey on a video instead of the traditional PR events Adidas was used to doing… and maybe I’ll tell you all about it in person. Stories like the fact that this was the first real viral video of a brand on youtube in Brazil, and we didn’t even have to pay anybody to help spread it, as if we had discovered the secret of making a video go viral. Nike wasn’t happy about it and decided to do the same, except they spent a ton of money to get the same results. This video was posted on youtube as a teaser for a possible misplacing of the uniform the team was supposed to wear the next day. The fans were invited to participate in an online game that used Google Maps as the board where participants had to play detective to find out who had taken the Palmeiras uniforms, how they did it, and why. The first three hundred fans who discovered the correct answers would win limited edition Adidas products, including the new Palmeiras jersey. Ask me more stories about this, please.


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