adidas sells more soccer cleats to children than adults. So, in order to speak directly to them, as a writer and creative director for this campaign, we created a movement, a philosophy which states that everyone was born with a specific gift relating to sports. This is especially insightful because people in this generation believe they were each born to change the world in one way or another. These gifts separate people into three different categories. We used the character of a wise old man to explain that the game of soccer is the easiest way to reveal your individual gift and into which group you land. The three different groups were called Predator, Adipure and F50. Not by chance these are the names of the three different boots adidas sells. We used the three main players sponsored by adidas at the time Gerrard, Kaká and Messi to represent the three groups. We called this philosophy adidism. Kids logged on to our website and took part in an online test which placed them in one of the groups according to their gift and they were able to interact with the adidas player that shared their gift for the rest of the year.

